Saturday, January 11, 2014

@!$% the News ( Sorry )

    Hey everyone. As you can see, there is a bad word in the title. Excuse the language, but in my opinion, it's sadly true. The News just feeds out information that we don't really need to here, like ........... a ............. car crash that is states away, or that someone got a broken bone in Canada ( or something like that. ) Those who LOVE the News and totally disagrees with my title, let me ask you a question: Do you really need information of stuff that occurred miles away? Did you know you can be safe by using your own thoughts and not relying on some show? Let's say phone is dead, cable is out, radio is damaged, and you have a feeling that something bad is going to happen. You remember that before the blackout, you were watching the news and they say that it was supposed to be bright sunny and not a cloud in the sky. When you go outside and you see that the sky has darkened and it is starting to rain. What do you do with yourself and your family? You see, you can't just rely on the news all the time. ( This has occurred before. ) Has this happen to you in a similar situation? Look - I understand that the News is trying to help you but it can be sometimes be scary and have your eyes glued to the T.V. , dying to know what will happen next. I call that the ' news of surprising wonder ' spell. This is my paragraph on my feelings of the news. Have a good day.

                                                                 A blog by,
                                                            Alexandra S. Lane

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